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A sharing by Helen Chang for this song:

In general when I think on what the presence of a person means to me, I would easily think of the joy of a mutual relationship. If I were in a state of weakness or need, then the presence of someone who is more experienced and able to help would certainly be much appreciated. Yet besides these, I have faced situations and challenges in life when there was no one who could have helped me through the dark patches such that I had to cry out to God to deliver me out of that state! (The details on this are in the Testimony section on this website.)

It was due to God’s merciful dealings with me from that time on that I began to realise the preciousness of His presence. Because it is in His being with me that His protection, guidance, life-giving word, encouragement, warnings and even discipline would be granted to me whenever He sees fit! He does not send these out as packets of gifts but these are part and parcel of His very presence with me. Furthermore, it is in His presence alone that crumbling relationships could be rescued and rebuilt. For in Him there is forgiveness and harmony among men; there is faithfulness and lasting friendships!

So let us choose to obey Him so that His presence would be with us and that others may be blessed through us also.

(c) 2021 Christian Disciples Church